
Save Your Dishwasher With THESE Methods!

Our clean team loves to find ways to help your home not only sparkle but also last longer. When we deep clean a kitchen, we always look at the seals and filters on your dishwasher.  Did you know that by just cleaning the filter and assuring that your seals are still pliable, you can extend the life of your dishwasher? Our Cleaning Pros inspect these areas, add essential oils to your seals, and alert you to any leaks/ drips that they notice. Another thing you can do to help your dishwasher work more efficiently is to add a cup of vinegar, sitting upright in the top rack of a load.  This will help your dishwasher to clean itself by breaking down any mineral/ detergent buildup you may have. It is safe to use right along with any load so you don’t have to waste any extra time!

– Jill Cochran
Clean Team

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